Die neue Magento Version wurde mit vielen neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.
Wichtigste Schwerpunkte:
- Optimized Layered Navigation for pricing
- Added CAPTCHA support for admin and customer users
- Added different base price per customer group
- Added auto generation of coupon codes
- Improved the basic Backup and Rollback functionality
- Added EU VAT ID validation service integration
- Implemented DHL for Europe
- Added REST API
- Mobile theme was redesigned
- Implemented the frontend Cookie Restriction functionality (EU cookie law compliance)
- Added the Cash On Delivery and Bank Transfer payment methods
Wichtige Magento Verbesserungen:
- Added ability to translate action array parameter nodes via layout.xml
- Added support for using custom currency symbols
- Added functionality to cleaning old cache files by cron task
- Refactored rules-based modules
- Improved customer address handling using PayPal Express checkout
- Refactored escaping functionality used with translations
- Added ability to customize logo in emails from the admin
- Implemented front-end cookies restriction functionality
- Added ability to turn off/on IP Tracking (e.g. ‘Placed from IP’) on the Sales pages in back-end (Order, Invoice, Shipment, Credit memo)
- Provided logic to disable ACL resources through configuration files
Wichtige Magento Änderungen:
- Support for “memcached” PHP extension was added
- Library js/scriptaculous/dragdrop.js is upgraded to version 1.9.0
- Image file of “jpg” type are allowed for favicon
- Added ability to extend list of attributes to select for categories loaded via Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Category_Flat::_loadNodes()
- Added changes to lib/Varien/Http/Adapter/Curl.php to provide interface for setting different cURL options
- Displaying State or Province can be optional for any country
- Added ability to get Magento type from Mage.php
Und jede Menge Bugfixes